Thursday, April 16, 2009

Something Borrowed (By Emily Griffin)

I know I said I was reading Sarah's Keys, but instead I chose to read this because it has been sitting on my shelf for a while. And man am I glad I read it. I could. not. put. it. down. This book is about an attorney, she is thirty years old, and single, and has this best friend from childhood that is very selfish and consuming, yes consuming. I won't go into too much detail for fear of spoiling the book, but let's just say it's really about the struggle to please other people above yourself, what you sacrifice when you do that, and how to regain your ability to put yourself and your needs first, especially when it comes to love. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone who happens to be a romantic. It also helped being an attorney and relating to the character in that way as well, although you don't have to be an attorney to relate. Just fyi.
Rating: CPD x a trillion.
Up next: Something Blue, the sequel to Something Borrowed. I feel attached to the character, so might as well pick up the next book in the series asap.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Lucky One (by Nicholas Sparks)

In true Nicholas Sparks tradition, this book is set in North Carolina. It concerns an ex-marine and his quest to find a girl in a photo that he found in Iraq. What unfolds is a story of love between the girl in the photo and the ex-marine, the relationship between the girl and her ex-hubby, and the relationship between the girl, the ex-marine, and the girl's son. Its set in a quiet NC town called Hampton. This was an easy read, slow at first but picked up towards the middle. It could have done without all the description and detail in the beginning, but I suppose it needed that to really understand the plight of the characters. I didn't cry at the end, like I do with most Nicholas Sparks books, but the characters remain with you even when you finish the book. (I thought about the characters this morning when I heard a commercial about ice cream (you'll have to read the book to understand)).
Length: about 300 (can't remember exactly)
Rating: LNL
Currently Reading: Sarah's Key (by Tatiana de Rosnay)